When Will Bleach Manga Return
Eight years after the anime adaptation of bleach tite kubos supernatural shonen battle manga came to a muted end with the final story arc still confined to the original manga it has now been confirmed that ichigo kurosaki will be returning to our screens next year for an adaptation of the thousand year blood war arc.
When will bleach manga return. This was the final story arc in the original bleach manga but was never adapted for the anime which ended in 2012. Stevens 18th march 2020 5 comments. The bleach manga creator tite kubo was supposed to unveil the new work at the bleach 20th anniversary project tite kubo new work presentation on march 21 at the animejapan 2020. Tite kubos exceptionally popular manga bleach is making a return in 2020 with a new project made in celebration of the series 20th anniversary set to be announced at the upcoming animejapan2020 expo.
In the recent issue of jump magazine in japan it was revealed that creator tite kubos popular shonen series will return. According to newsweek bleach will be returning in 2021. When is the bleach return date. The original bleach manga began in 2001 which makes a 2021 debut for the new.
Whether these will continue as novels or as manga is not known but the ideas are certainly out there. The manga was published in shueisha s weekly shonen jump from august 7 2001 to august 22 2016. Should this report turn out the way fans expect the return of bleach marks a major one for old school followers. Bleach is written and illustrated by tite kubo.
While we dont have a specific date yet the very idea that kubo is still working on ideas for this popular series is a great sign indicating many future projects to be in place. Bleach to return and tite kubos burn the witch receiving anime. Newsgeek anime manga after eight long years the bleach anime is returning. 18 promotional material was revealed showing that the anime adaptation of tite kubos bleach series would return in the form of an adaptation of the manga series final arc the thousand.
The 698 individual chapters of bleach were collected in 74 tankobon volumes released between january 5 2002 and november 4 2016. Bleach is slated to return with its new anime in 2021 rather than 2020 but that means fans have something to look forward to.